My thought My World

Archive for January 16th, 2009

I just read the news from Malaysiakini, reported that a pig head which was placed on a PAS flag was found in surau at UM. Aiii, now do we really need a rocket scientist to know who is the culprit here? If this is not an act by the desperate Barisan Nasional, then it must be the pig head drop from the sky. I couldn’t think of a reason why Pakatan Rakyat will do this and on top of that put it on PAS’s flag. Seems like the BN is desperately disuniting Malaysian, pitting our Malays brother and sister against  Chinese. I hope this will be a vote deciding factor for all Malaysian to see the real face of racist BN, reject BN in tomorrow’s Kuala Terengganu by election, reject BN in all the coming election!