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Posts Tagged ‘ISA

It was a hell of an experience. Imagine being bombed with rounds of tear gases and cannoned with acid water, i took it all today, and i went home happy. Let me start all over again. I was at Sogo for the anti-ISA rally. Went there early to avoid the traffic knowing that the police will surely block all the roads leading to KL and i was right when they started to block from kajang.While i was inside Sogo, received SMSes about numerous arrest by the police against  PAS Unit Amal.

At 2pm, people started to gather, coming from all locations with the main crowd coming out from Sogo shopping complex. At first i thought the crowd was small,  the people were scattered around, all looking for a leader for guidance.  After moving around for sometime, finally a huge crowd was gathered in front of Sogo main road. The crowd was so huge that it could easily tops 20000 people, i guess it’s between 20k-30k people. I would say the crowd was of multiracial, or Malaysian, although the PAS people were generally more in numbers.





Some FRUs went to arrest and beat the victims (Pic above). This was at Pertama complex.  The crowd then moved in between Sogo and Pertama complex.





After speeches from the Pakatan Rakyat leaders, we tried to march again. Yet, this time, we were confronted with the FRU trucks. A peaceful rally turns chaos when the FRU started to fired at the crowd. Without any warnings, the water cannon were fired at the crowd. I was there couldn’t run away, and have to dodge the water. However, the moment the water touched my skin, it just burns!!!! It wasn’t plain water, it was acid. I was sprayed from heads down, and all i can do is scrambling for waters to wash off the acid from my face. Then when i turn to my back, fuck the truck is right beside me, and of course, i was sprayed along with numerous ladies who were dodging at the roadside. I guess those FRUs were laughing and having a field day firing at harmless easy prey like us.

I guess those FRU were thinking like this when they hit me ” Hahahaa another direct hit,  Hishamuddin must be proud of us. FIRE FIRED AT THEM!!!!!” After the truck went pass us, again we were scrambling for water to wash off the burning effect.

No matter how the mainstream media wants to spin, i guess those present at the site can confirms that the FRU were not dispersing the people, they were indeed attacking the people with their tear gasses and acid water. Wherever the people runs the FRU followed with their water cannon trucks and tear gasses, and firing them at will. Maybe they were having fun behind the wheel.

The crowd was chased from one road to another, the FRUs were definitely not dispersing the people, more like quarantine the people inside the city centre. It cannot even be dispersing the people when all the tear gasses and water cannoned was aimed at people who had started to move away. We were forced to move to PAS headquaters at the Jalan Raja Laut. Luckily here the cars were jamming the roads and the FRU trucks were stucked somewhere behind.




Below is the activist from KL Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall


and of course, not to be missed is the message for the government;



This is the new political party in town, the PATI AYAM MALAYSIA ;

Pati Ayam

few days ago, this party loudly supported the effort by Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA to rally in KL tomorrow to hand over a memorandum to our Duli Yang Maha Mulia Seri Paduka Baginda yang Dipertuan Agong for the abolishment of ISA.

However, today this PATI AYAM, chicken out after the police label the rally as illegial


so today the so called leader for the PATI AYAM, went to hand over a memorandum.  However these chicks were informed that the Istana is not your reban ayam where you can come and go as you like. One thing to note is, they clearly went there for publicity rather than handing over the memorandum, because if you see from the video by Malaysiakini, the reporters were well informed earlier of their arrival, so instead of going home as a hero, they went back more as a CHICKEN, full of shame if only they know the word SHAME.


This is the time to reassure the government that we the Anak Bangsa Malaysia is serious with our demand for the abolishment of ISA. We de not want any changes or reform with ISA, we want and END to it. 1 Aug 2009 is a SATURDAY, guess you have no more reason to run away from it. Invite all your family members and friends to join this rally, let’s rock them!!!

ok i give you another reminder why you should attend this rally. Remember in september 2008 when three person was arrested in one day. A reporter from Sin Chew was arrested, Teresa Kok and Raja Petra were also arrested. Reasons given by the Home Minister was varied, first, the reporter was arrested because she was in danger after her report on Ahmad Ismail’s called on the non malay as PENDATANG.  Yes arrested for her safety, yet no arrest was made on those who threaten her safety.

As for Teresa Kok, i can only remember what she said as “I don’t even know why i was arrested”, because the mainstream media twisted the whole story with her claimed that the food is like dog food. (gosh the MSM did really made me forgot facts)

As for RPK, well there’s a lot of reasons to detaind him under ISA, well that is at least according to the Home minister. but one of the four or five, is his article “Lets send Altantuya’s murderer to hell ” which connects the DPM then, now PM Najib Razak and Rosmah Mansur as those involved in Altantuya’s death.

so now, as it goes, ISA is not for communist (the reason of why it was created), but for many many reasons that the Home Minister sees fit. It could be your look that he don’t like, it could be your voice he don’t like, it could even be your underwear he don’t like, as long as he doesn’t like YOU, he can ordered your detention WITHOUT TRIAL.

so let us remembers again, this

1/8/2009 Saturday in Kuala Lumpur


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Mark your date, 1/8/09 GMI rally against ISA!!!

Isnin, 22 Jun 2009

1. Sekretariat Himpunan MANSUH sebagai penganjur Himpunan MANSUH ditubuhkan khas bagi menggerakkan rakyat menyatakan sikap terhadap akta zalim, Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) melalui perhimpunan secara aman.

2. Sekretariat diwakili oleh wakil-wakil daripada anggota Gabungan Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA (GMI) terdiri daripada badan bukan kerajaan (NGO), parti-parti politik dan mahasiswa. Jawatankuasa Pepandu Himpunan MANSUH diwakili oleh pimpinan parti-parti politik dan NGO.

3. Hari ini Sekretariat Himpunan MANSUH ingin memaklumkan secara rasminya tarikh Himpunan Besar-besaran Mansuhkan ISA iaitu pada hari Sabtu, 1 Ogos 2009.

4. Tarikh 1 Ogos 2009 dipilih sempena 49 tahun ISA yang digubal pada 1 Ogos 1960. Selama 49 tahun negara dinaungi kezaliman ISA. Masa yang terlalu lama untuk negara dibiarkan diselubungi dengan akta yang empunya kuasa amat luas menahan tanpa bicara, menghukum tanpa bukti dan memenjarakan tanpa tempoh menentu. Sudah tiba masanya akta usang itu bukan sahaja dikajisemula tetapi dimansuhkan sama sekali.

5. Himpunan MANSUH dianjurkan dengan hasrat untuk rakyat menzahirkan sikapnya secara jelas dan lantang dengan membuat tiga tuntutan:

a. Bebaskan semua tahanan ISA
b. Mansuhkan ISA
c. Tutup Kem Kamunting – Kem ’Guantanamo’ Malaysia

6. Pada 3 April 2009, sebaik menjadi Perdana Menteri ke-6, Dato’ Seri Najib telah membebaskan 13 orang tahanan ISA (termasuk dua orang tahanan Hindraf) dan mengumumkan untuk mengkajisemula ISA. Satu tindakan yang dikatakan bukan populis. Empat hari kemudian pada 7 April, Pilihanraya Kecil 2 Bukit 1 Batang berlangsung.

7. Pada 8 Mei 2009, 13 orang lagi tahanan dibebaskan termasuk tiga orang lagi tahanan Hindraf. Sekali lagi ini dikatakan bukan tindakan populis sedangkan sehari sebelumnya berlaku titik hitam di Perak.

8. Dalam pada pembebasan diumumkan, secara senyap-senyap empat orang tahanan baru ditahan sekitar bulan April termasuk Mas Selamat Kastari yang dilaporkan lari daripada ISA Singapura. Bahkan sebenarnya di Kem Kamunting masih terdapat seramai 14 orang tahanan ISA seperti yang dilaporkan GMI. Tiga orang daripadanya telah ditahan lebih daripada 7 tahun.

9. Cadangan untuk kajisemula ISA pula dibuat sejak 3 April 2009, lebih dari 2 bulan yang lalu. Tetapi sehingga kini, tiada sesiapa tahu bila sebenarnya kajian tersebut akan siap. Suhakam sudah mengesyorkan ISA dimansuhkan sejak 2003 lagi. Pada masa yang sama, sudah ada peruntukan undang-undang sediada yang mencukupi untuk menangani keganasan.

10. ISA memusnahkan konsep asas undang-undang berperlembagaan. Ia mencemar asas pengasingan kuasa. Ia membenarkan kuasa eksekutif melangkaui kehakiman dengan menahan seseorang tanpa waran, tanpa bicara dan tanpa hak peguam. ISA telah menghapuskan apa juga semakan undang-undang yang disyorkan perlembagaan. ISA juga membenarkan kuasa yang luas, arbitrari dan tidak boleh dicabar mahkamah yang menyebabkan berlakunya penyeksaan fizikal dan mental.

11. Kemuncak asas-asas ISA ialah elemen mengancam, mengugut dan mewujudkan rasa takut dan gerun…”climate of fear”…”under siege mentality”… sehingga merencatkan daya fikir dan teguran berani serta fitrah manusia yang bebas.

12. Atas sebab keadaan ini, atas sebab kezaliman berterusan dengan penahanan tanpa bicara, arbitrari, tanpa pembelaan dan tanpa diketahui bilakah dibebaskan, penganiayaan ke atas isteri, anak dan keluarga dan atas tuntut keadilan, maka rakyat perlu zahirkan kebenciannya terhadap ISA dan mendesak Kerajaan bertindak segera mansuhkan ISA. Tindakan populis dan berlengah-lengah oleh Kerajaan mesti dihentikan. Rakyat tidak harus terpedaya dan membenarkan amalan begini berterusan.

13. Himpunan MANSUH dianjurkan sebagai kesinambungan pelbagai usaha Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA (GMI) selama ini dalam membawa kesedaran tentang kezaliman ISA, membela nasib tahanan dan keluarga, membongkar kezaliman ISA dan mendesak Kerajaan untuk membebaskan tahanan, memansuhkan ISA dan menutup Kem Kamunting sehinggalah membawa kepada pembebasan ramai tahanan ISA dan janji kerajaan untuk mengkajisemula ISA.

14. Beberapa program akan dianjurkan menjelang Himpunan tersebut. Antaranya jelajah ceramah seluruh negara, pengedaran risalah, pertunjukan seni, forum, pengumpulan tandatangan, petisyen on-line dan sebagainya.

15. Himpunan MANSUH menganjurkan Himpunan besar-besaran bagi menyeru dan menggembleng seluruh warganegara Malaysia daripada pelbagai lapisan masyarakat, budaya, bangsa dan agama yang cintakan keadilan, kebenaran dan keamanan rakyat untuk turut serta berhimpun pada 1 Ogos 2009 bagi menyatakan sikap tegas kita terhadap ISA. Bersama memansuhkan ISA dan membebaskan bumi Malaysia daripada kezaliman!

Mansuhkan ISA!
Bebaskan Tahanan!
Tutup Kemta – Kem Guantanamo Malaysia!

Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh
Pengerusi Sekretariat Himpunan MANSUH
Pengerusi Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA (GMI)

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I sould be happy, i mean happier upon hearing the released of the 13 ISA detainees. While i’m happy for the 13 and their family members, i do felt angry at the same time. The obvious question is why the 13? Why only 13? Take a look at the 13 released ISA detainees;

1) Wan Amin Wan Hamat (suspected JI members)

2) Pakana Selama (Darul Islam)

3) Mohd Arasad Patangari (Darul Islam)

4) Idris Lanama (Darul Islam)

5) A Artas A Burhanudin (Darul Islam)

6) Binsali Omar (Darul Islam)

7) Mohd Nazri Dollah (Darul Islam)

8) Francis indanan (Darul Islam)

9) Amir Hussain (False documentation)

10) Sundaraj Vijay (Dalse documentation)

11) San Khaing (False documentation)

12) R. Kenghadharan (Hindraf)

13) V. Ganabatirau (Hindraf)

Now why only one JI member was released when there are more inside detained for the same reason at the same time? The same goes to the Hindraf 5. Why only the two released when the other three were still detained? I thought Uthayakumar should be the first to be released considering his worsening diabetes situation. What about Manoharan? The reason gave by his lawyer was good enough for his released, he was arrested in November 2007 because the government deem Manoharan as a threat to national security, but on March 2008, he was elected as Members of Parliament by the Rakyat. How can he be a national threat when the people didn’t think so and elect as their MP? So why isn’t he released? The released of the 13 should be a happy moment, but at the same time more questions comes along. and it is also clear that the ISA have been used and will continue to be used as a political tools for the Barisan Nasional.
If Najib thinks this move is going to get his popularity level rise, i must say, the people nowadays are not stupid. Maybe you think we are, but we are not. It only shows just how powerful the PM are, arrest anyone without reason, detained him for years, and released him later to gain popularity. PTUI!!! Absolute bullshit.

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This is something presented by Jaya at last Sunday’s Anak Bangsa Malaysia Group gathering. As i have said earlier, it was very informative which i believe even the Pro ISA group find it difficult to defend.

Now, since the Internal Security Act started (way back in the August 1960) until today a total of 4319 people were detained. When it was tabled in the parliament back then by Tun Razak, it was said that the ISA was important as a way of defence against the communist. Yet, out of the 4319 people arrested thus far, only minorities of them were communist, mostly were NGOs, social activist, opposition party members as well as UMNO members involved in power struggle.

Used of ISA starting from the 1960s;

1960 (November) = 60 Front members detained “suspected” ties with communist

1962-65 = Parti Rakyat & Labour Party leaders and “suspected” communist in Sarawak for opposing the formation of Malaysia.

1967 = Asahan and Trinag estate workers for organising a strike and long march

1967-68 = Party Rakyat & Labour Party leaders for Pro-communist sympathies.

1969 = Opposition Leaders


January 1970 = 2 Parti Rakyat Pahang State assemblymen

1971-1973 = 200 Parti Rakyat and Labour Party workers and members & Trade Union Leaders in Kedah, Perak, Penang & Selangor

1974-1975 = Student Activist from universities

1974 = SNAP leader James Wong

1976 = Parti Rakyat Leader Kassim Ahmad & Razak Ahmad, journalist Samad Ismail and 6 others including “dua Abdul” accused of communist sympathies and plot to seize leadership in Umno


1984 = PAS Legal Adviser Suhaimi Said

1985 = 36 Muslim villagers in Memali, Baling led by Ibrahim Libya for deviant teachings.

1986 = Penan group for blocking logging

1987 = 106 under Operasi Lalang (many were opposition party members including Lim Kit Siang, Karpal Singh )

1989 = 2 UM students for demonstration against concert & PAS journalist who report the arrest. 6 others were arrested for possesion of home made shotgun called “bakakuk”


1991 = 4 Sabah Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) Leaders for plot to secede

1994 = Leader of Darul Arqam for deviationist teachings

1996 = 18 other Darul Arqam members

1997 = 10 Shiah muslim for threatening security

1998 = 2 Achehness for outbreak of violence in Semenyih refugee camp

1998 (May) = Individuals including Police and Immigration Officers for involvelment in illegal migrant workers.

1998 (Sepetember) = Anwar Ibrahim and 28 other Reformasi members


2000 (July) = al-Ma’unah militant group in Sauk Perak

2001 = Kumpulan Muhjahidin Malaysia for alleged links to Jemaah Islamiah and al-Qaeda

2001 (April) = 10 Parti Keadilan & Reformasi member

2002-2007 = Members of Jemaah Islamiah and Darul Islam Sabah

2007 (December) = Hindraf 5

2008 (September) = Raja Petra Kamaruddin, Teresa Kok and Tan Hoon Cheng (Sin Chew journalist who reported Ahmad Ismail’s calling non malays as Pandatang)


There you go from 1960 to 2008, the ISA was used on numerous counts. In between 1984-1993, 12 people detained under ISA were executed. Now, 43 people are still inside the Kamunting detention center of which ;

Darul Arqam = 13, Hindraf = 5, Jemaah Islmaiah = 13, Document falsification = 13, and 2 Miscellaneous.

Now, do you still think the ISA is good for the country?

Our PJ vigil has a change of venue again. Last night it was not in Lotus, but somewhere around. SMS your friend or email me at for the exact direction. Anyway last night was very informative, good presentation by Uncle Jaya on the ISA (What, When, Why) Will try to put up some of the information which i believe can convince even the ISA hardcores to abolish the ISA especially the part on ex ISA detainees, which as expected MOSTLY were not communist or terrorist but NGOs, politicians (either from opposition or those in UMNO power struggle) and normal RAKYAT. The fight against ISA is still on even though we were been push around, so please make your come back again.

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As planned earlier, today went to the Putrajaya Federal Court to hear RPK’s case where the Home Minister SHIT HAM appeal against the Shah Alam High court’s decision to set RPK free.

At 9am, the court room was fulled with people, mainly RPK’s supporters. Around 9.20am Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng arrived. I managed to shake his hand outside the room when he arrived, he saw my shirt I AM WITH RPK straight away he shake my hand! Inside the court room, the benches were limited, i mean very limited. Earlier the police said seats were limited so if those who didn’t have a seat then couldn’t sit in la, but when CM Lim guan eng arrives, along with YB Ronnie Liu, those police just went around scrambling for bench. Even the benches at the dock was taken out for the people, still LGE wouldn’t sit as he’s here for a while before he heads back to Parliament. (Those police’s attitude is there for all to see, when it was normal people, they just don’t care, but when it was YB ah, was scrambling around also have to find a seat for them even though the YBs didn’t asked for it) Almost 100 people squeeze inside the court room, maybe 10 were journalist, Malaysian Insider journalist sits beside me. Oh even Jelutong MP Jeff Ooi shows up to support RPK. Raja Petra didn’t come today as his presence was not required, but no matter what the supporters remained.

Hearing begins at 9.45am with Manoharan’s case. There’s slight confusion as to his appeal whether it was the second or third appeal. The first habeas corpus was filed at 19/12/07, and the second appeal was filed after Manoharan was elected as the ADUN for Kota Alam Shah. The three Judges question whether the second appeal and the third appeal was filed on the same grounds, that Manoharan as the Home Minister sees him as a threat to national security, but the people elects him as their ADUN. so he cannot be seen as a threat to national security. At 11 am, the three Judges UNANIMOUSLY DISMISSED Manoharan’s case because this third appeal is based on the second appeal’s ground, therefore his case was DISMISSED. I ddn’t know how/when/why the second appeal was dismissed, to me the reason given was valid. The people elects Manoharan as their assemblyman, so how can he be viewed as a threat when the people have put trust on him?

Before RPK’s case begin, Judge Augustine Paul recuse himself from the hearing for the application to recuse him from the case. For a moment, i thought there’s hope, but it went all the way down from here. Justice Datuk Nik Hashim Nik Ab Rahman ordered the hearing for the application to recuse Augustine Paul, and this was objected by RPK’s counsel Malik Imtiaz . He argued that a court with only two Judges cannot proceed with the hearing. At this point, many wonders what will happen if one judge said yes and the other said no. How can a two judge bench make decision??? However, Nik Hashim argued that since the hearing has started the court can continued with the remaining judges. Again, arguments here. Judge Augustine Paul recuse himself before the hearing start not after, i heard it myself clearly. Arguments after arguments and Malik called it unconstitutional and its decision can be reviewed. In the end, Nik Hashim read the UNANIMOUS decision by the remaining two judges that the court continues for the hearing.

The proceeding continues with Malik gives details as to why Judge Augustine Paul can be recuse from hearing the case. From the days when Anwar Ibrahim was brought down, RPK was critical of Augustine and once called him slimeballs and accused him lacking of integrity. This was reasons given by Malik as he said from the third party point of view, Augustine might be bias against RPK. Further more, in 2001 Augustine had DISMISSED RPK’s habeas corpus and have the view that RPK is a threat to national security, this also might be bias against RPK. It was a long hearing, and Malik was giving one after another including the Judges Code of Ethic and conclude that there was real danger of bias. At this point, the Judge Nik Hashim seems restless and uneasy, trying to break down Malik’s every attempt. I don’t know how best to describe it, from my point of view, the Judge was bias as he seems to have the answer before it started which was why he’s trying to break down Malik. The court adjourned to 1.30pm for the decision on the application to recuse Augustine Paul.

Quickly ran down to the cafeteria, time was limited and many people will rush there for lunch. The price of the food was quite cheap, but too many people!!! Many of RPK’s supporters were still around, some just arrived or were late in the morning and waiting at the cafeteria.

1.30 pm, Judge Nik Hashim read the decision, again, UNANIMOUS decision to DISMISS the application to recuse Judge Augustine Paul. Felt like wants throw my shoe at him now, have to cool myself down, it was expected anyway. Upon this, Malik Imtiaz moved three motions. The first is to have 5 or 7 Judges bench. Judge Augustine Paul who came in earlier questioned whether they have the power to decide for more Judges. The motion was DISMISSED in an UNANIMOUS decision.

Then, second counsel Azhar continues with the 2nd and 3rd motion. The second is to strike out the appeal based on the fact that RPK was released from 07 Nov 08 until today, and there was no threat by him to the national security whatsoever. The Home Minister signed for RPK’s detention to run for 2 years, this means he is viewed as a threat for two years, yet until now, RPK has prove the other way round. Judge Augustine Paul said “You must first understand the ISA” and Judge Nik Hashim continues “He was detained for something he has done”. (felt like want to throw shoe again) Azhar replied “NO!!! ISA was a preventive law, he was detained because he was viewed by the Home Minister as a threat to national security not because of something he has done”, to this, all the Judges were speechless. Seems like they don’t know ISA very well. But again, the Judges gave a UNANIMOUS decision to DISMISS the motion. No reason given, nothing. All in the courtroom just couldn’t understand why the motion was thrown out.

The third motion was about the article written by RPK Lets send Altantuya murderers to hell, of which this form the basic of sedition trial against RPK and also one of the reasons for his detention under the ISA. How can someone be charged twice for the same thing??? Last week at the PJ court, Supt Gan testified that he didn’t made a full investigation on Altantuya’s murder case. This again open to arguments whether the article written was true or false. But again, the Judges came to a UNANIMOUS decision to DISMISS the motion. Again no reason was given, we knew nothing as to why and how the Judge came to that decision.

The Judge set next Monday 23/2/09 9.30 am to continue hearing and made decision.

By this time, many were disappointed with the proceeding. From morning till now, all we heard is UNANIMOUS DECISION TO DISMISS. This is not the palace of justice, but more like The Grave of Justice. I have today seen how justice was killed again and again and again, so many times that it horrifies me. The question now is, how many lives do the justice have? Could Monday be The Day The Justice Die? I hope i won’t have to use this as the title for next Monday. Until then, keep praying for divine intervention. This might be the only hope we have now.

(As said in my earlier post, no pictures until i get a new camera. Btw, i should be kaki ayam now)

There’s nothing i can say. No words can describe it. and i will as always walk with him tomorrow at the Putrajaya.


Probably my last message to Malaysians


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Tomorrow, I will probably be detained under the Internal Security Act. Anyhow, before we talk about that, let me start by giving you my prediction for the two by-elections scheduled for early April.

In 2004, BN won the Bukit Selambau state seat with a majority of 7,695 votes and in 2008 they lost it with a majority of 2,362 votes. (See the chart below). In the coming by-election, I forecast a voter turnout of around 26,000 and a majority of 3,500-4,500 for the opposition.

For the Bukit Gantang parliament seat, in 2004 Barisan Nasional won with a majority of 8,888 and in 2008 it lost with a majority of 1,566. (See chart below). This time around, the voter turnout will be roughly 42,000 and the opposition will win that seat with a majority of 5,000-8,000 votes.

Okay, I am forecasting this even before I know who the candidates are. Well, I have no choice. On Tuesday, 17 February 2009, the Federal Court is due to hear the appeal against my release from Internal Security Act detention and I really do not know what the outcome is going to be. Chances are, I have but 24 hours left as a free man and if I do not write this article today I never will.

On 7 November 2008, the Shah Alam High Court ordered my release from detention. The government has appealed this decision although it did not see the need to appeal the decision of the Shah Alam High Court acquitting Abdul Razak Baginda of the charge of murder without his defence being called.

I was in court last week to witness the performance of the three judges and what I saw did not give me much confidence. First of all, we asked for a quorum of seven judges, or at least five. But the court turned us down and fixed a quorum of only three judges. And two of the three judges appear to be hostile towards us from the word ‘go’. It looks like my fate has been sealed even before the case goes to court.

Anyway, I know for a fact that it was not Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi who ordered my detention. He was not even aware I had been detained. The order came from Deputy Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and since I am bent on making sure he never becomes Prime Minister on 1 April 2009 I really do not blame him for wanting to get me out of the way.

My friends and family want me to leave the country and to seek political asylum in another country. They feel I can still continue with the struggle in a foreign land. But I am against that as much as my wife pleads that I consider this. I am no quitter and I do not run. I shall stay and fight till the very end even if that is the last thing I do.

If I have to lose my freedom so be it. That is the price we pay for opposing the powers-that-be. But I shall not go quietly or make any deals to secure my release with those who walk in the corridors of power.

I was given an option. Take the money and become rich or go to jail. I refused the money and instead chose jail. This is my choice and no one can convince me to do otherwise. No doubt I will have to pay for this and it will be a heavy price that I shall have to pay. But this is the price of the struggle and the price does not come cheap.

I shall not submit. I shall resist till the end. I stand on right and I oppose what is wrong. Amar makruf, nahi munkar, as Islam would say. We must uphold right and oppose wrong. That is not only the Islamic way but also the way of all religions. And even atheists believe in this, so you need not believe in God to subscribe to the concept of amar makruf, nahi munkar.

Over thousands of years countless people have met their deaths just because they stood on the side of right. What I have chosen to do has been done by so many who are now nameless and faceless. So it is nothing so special that I do which has not been done before.

My resistance will continue. But I will have to continue my resistance behind the barbwire fences of the Kamunting Detention Centre. It will now be up to you, those who are free, to continue where I left off.

My resistance, however, will have to take on a new form. I will no longer be able to write or speak at ceramahs. My voice has now been silenced. But I can still speak the words of silence, which will be my new form of resistance.

I shall no longer open my mouth or utter one word during my detention. I shall maintain the silence of a mute person. I shall not sign any documents of the so many documents that they make you sign when under detention. My signature is not going to be placed on a single shred of paper.

By doing so would mean none of my family members or lawyers would have access to me. Yes, that is the price I shall pay for ‘not cooperating’. I know this and I am prepared for it.

I shall refuse all medical treatment and visits to the hospital. I shall refuse to accept any food and water supplied by the Kamunting authorities. I shall refuse to leave my cell or to meet any of the prison authorities. In short, I shall shut myself out from the world and keep to my own world of my eight feet square cell.

This action will mean I shall survive at the most seven to eight days. By the end of that period I shall be dead. I am prepared for that. They plan to imprison my body for the rest of my life. But I shall release my spirit from my body and will again be free. They can keep my body and they can do whatever they want with it. But they will never be able to keep my spirit. I shall separate my spirit from my body and deny them the pleasure of incarcerating me.

This is a decision I have taken and no one can make me change my mind. And this is probably the last article of mine that you shall read if they send me to Kamunting tomorrow. Keep the struggle going. I shall no longer be able to join you in that struggle. The work is far from finished. This country needs major political, economic and social reforms. The next two years are going to be most trying years indeed. And expect a snap general election within 18 months of Najib taking over if he does take over on 1 April 2009.

I lay down my life for this nation of ours called Malaysia. I will sacrifice myself for the sake of the struggle. There is very little left I can give at this point of time other than my life. For those who stood by me all these years, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I go with a heavy heart. But my heart is heavy only because I have but one life to give.

Death is not the end. Death is but the beginning. It is the beginning of a new journey that none of us can escape and will one day embark upon. It is not something to be sad about. It is something to rejoice.

Please continue your struggle to make Malaysia a better place for our future generation. This country belongs to them and it is for them that we struggle. For some of us, our time is already almost up. We do not have many years left. Many have gone before us. Many friends who started out with us in 1998 are no longer around. But they left this world in the hope that one day Malaysia will be the country that we dream it would be. And that, too, must be our dream.

I pray and hope that the Putrajaya Federal Court will uphold the decision of the Shah Alam High Court to free me from ISA detention. But if it reverses that decision then we must be prepared for that as well. And if the Federal Court does what I fear it will do, goodbye Malaysians, my comrade-in-arms. We shall meet again, one day, although not in this world but the next.

Dear all, today i was with RPK and many others who stood with him at the Putrajaya Federal Court. One of the three Judges was Augustine Paul. I guess many already know who this fella is from the days when Anwar Ibrahim was brought down. RPK’s counsel Malik Imtiaz applied for time for a formal application to recuse Augustine Paul from the hearing. Justice Datuk Nik Hashim Nik Ab Rahman, set next tuesday 17/2/09 as the hearing date, whether the application to recuse Augustine Paul or not as well as the appeal by SHIT HAMID on RPK’s released from ISA. Please folk to come and support RPK next tuesday, it’s the date to decide whether he will remain free or be dump back into Kamunting, you have time to get you leave now.

DATE : 17/2/09 23/2/09


TIME : 9.00 am 9.30am



Also, this is the three Judges that rejected the Hindraf 5’s appeal, so please please come next tuesday, come and fill the whole Court not just the court room.

(picture thanks to The Whisperer 🙂 )